My Plan For Activism.

An important part, arguably the most important part, of women’s health is making sure that we all may receive reproductive care and access to components of sexual health. A huge provider for this is Planned Parenthood. I’m sure most of you are familiar with Planned Parenthood by now, especially as there have been recent attacks by congress as well as the President in the past year regarding its funding. This, much like many other fellow feminists of mine, shocked and deeply disturbed me. Accessible and affordable reproductive / sexual health for women is something that I feel very passionate about, and I truly feel as though we don’t do enough to show support for it, and recognize its importance on a daily basis. This is why I’ve chosen my Praxis project to be raising money for Planned Parenthood. 


Now of course, it would be amazing if I could go further and organize an actual fundraiser event, and get more people involved physically with this – but the current state of the world right now (the fact that we are all in quarantine until further notice) sort of puts a damper on that idea. However, I hope that raising money in the way that I can will be helpful. My plan is to utilize social media with this. First, I’ll make a GoFundMe account, then I will post to social media (Instagram) about my fundraiser. I know that it’ll be hard to get people to donate money with no incentive, so I’m going to include a raffle type prize, all you’d need to do is donate a minimum of $2 to the fundraiser, and repost about the fundraiser / tag friends! I think this will be a fun and engaging way to get people involved as well as spread awareness of Planned Parenthood support. 


I’m excited for this idea, because I feel that this could really help make a difference, at least a little bit, by being able to donate money to Planned Parenthood. A little bit makes more of a difference than we think. If one person donates, and spreads the word, another person will be more likely to donate too. I think my plan will be successful because I’m also using an incentive (the ‘raffle’ prize) to motivate people into wanting to enter and donate in the first place. I’m honestly just excited to be able to spread awareness about Planned Parenthood in any way that I can, and being able to raise money at the same time is even better! 


One Reply to “My Plan For Activism.”

  1. Hi!
    I agree with you regarding the changes implemented by our president regarding reproductive and sexual health. I find it disturbing as well and, will always be an advocate for bodily autonomy. I also love your idea about doing a raffle! What a great way to fundraise! I’m finding it a little difficult to think of a project for myself. It has been so financially devastating for my friends and family during this COVID-19 epidemic. I love that you picked Planned Parenthood. It always saddens me when I hear negative press regarding them. When I was younger and did not have insurance planned parenthood gave me free exams and birth control. They also offered support and counseling and, they are such a wonderful cause to advocate for!

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